As New Haven moves into a new era with rapid growth and intensive development across multiple neighborhoods, the work of the New Haven Urban Design League is more critical than ever. Your support can help to sustain us through 2024.
Some of our current projects and areas of focus include:
- Seeking a full remediation, and preservation, of English Station
- Advocacy for an update to the City’s Plan of Conservation and Development (Vision 2034) consistent with principles of good planning and environmental sustainability
- Advocacy for a state transportation plan that prioritizes transit and supports transit-oriented development
- Advocacy for a robust plan for transit-oriented development at New Haven Union Station
- Ensuring an environmentally-friendly redevelopment of Long Wharf based on sound planning principles
- Advocacy for policies that will create and sustain high-quality affordable housing
- Pursuit of a preservation ordinance as part of sensible zoning reform
[Press conference calling for full clean-up of English Station.]
[Community-developed Master Plan for the Route 34 Corridor, 2010 – 2011
Courtesy of Yale Urban Design Workshop and the League]